Tour ACC’s Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Center

Austin Community College District (ACC) invites faculty, staff, students, and the community to a fall open house for the college’s Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (THRT) Campus Center.

Fall 2022 Open House

Where: Truth, Racial Healing &Transformation Campus Center @ ACCHighland, Building 4000 (see map)

When:  Thursday, September 1

Time: 1 - 3 p.m.

What:  The Fall Open House Celebration invites everyone to tour the center and hear about support resources, including ACC’s student organizations, Ascender and BRASS, plus free food, swag, and games.

Parking:  Free parking is available at the ACC Highland South Parking Garage (see map)

What is the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Center

ACC is one of the 10 inaugural institutions nationwide selected to establish a TRHT Campus Center by the Association of American Colleges and Universities

The TRHT Campus Center's mission is to eliminate barriers that reinforce differential outcomes by race and build cross-racial relationships that lead to racial healing and explore ways to transform while creating narratives that can influence people's perspectives, perceptions, and behaviors about and toward one another. 

For more information, visit