Support foster youth in Central Texas: Donate now to ACC’s 11th annual luggage drive

Donations are now being accepted for Austin Community College District’s (ACC) annual luggage drive. The program supports youth who are preparing to transition out of foster care. 

“Each year thousands of youth age out of the foster care system in Texas. They often leave with little to no personal belongings of their own. Providing them a piece of luggage symbolizes a fresh start in the next chapter of their life. It is a small, but powerful gift,” says Angelica Cancino de Sandoval, Special Support and Grants director. “Each $20 donation will provide for another youth to be gifted with an opportunity to start their journey on the right foot.”

ACC has distributed more than 400 pieces of luggage and nearly $5,900 for foster care youth since the college’s first luggage drive in 2009. This year, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, only monetary gifts may be accepted. As a result, organizers say more donations are needed to support foster youth.

Donations can be made through the ACC Marketplace until July 2.

Organized by the ACC Support Center's Foster Care Alumni program, all donations benefit Department of Family and Protective Services Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) program.

For more information, contact Cancino at