Student Emergency Fund close to $150k goal
ACC faculty, staff, and the community have raised $145,380 as of May 19 for the Student Emergency Fund through the Keep a Dream Going campaign. The amount is $4,620 shy of the $150,000 goal. The fund helps students with unanticipated financial emergencies so that they can stay on track with their academic and career goals. Donations are still being accepted.
Choreographers' Showcase jumped from stage to screen
Students in the Dance department's Performance, Choreography, and Practicum classes began spring 2020 creating and rehearsing dances for performance on stage. However, once it became clear that ACC would not return to campus after spring break, students were asked to start envisioning their final projects for the camera, and a video editing component was added to these classes. Instead of presenting the Choreographers' Showcase on stage May 8 and 9, the pre-recorded videos were livestreamed on Facebook, while ACCTV broadcasted them to the service area. The department sold virtual tickets, with 100 percent of ticket sales going back to students in the form of scholarships. The showcase can be viewed on YouTube.
2020 Exercise Stars results
A record-breaking 587 ACC faculty and staff participated in the fifth annual Become an ACC Exercise Star Challenge coordinated by the ACC Employee Wellness Program to promote increased activity among employees. The challenge ran from February 3 through April 12, with half of the challenge spanning through the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, employees logged 1,069,911 total minutes of exercise. ACC President/CEO Dr. Richard Rhodes congratulated and presented awards for the Top Individual Stars and Most Active Campuses via a livestream virtual awards celebration on May 8. View a recording of the video here.
Virtual transfer information sessions
The Transfer Resources Office hosted four virtual transfer information sessions specifically for ACC students with The University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, Southwestern University, and St. Mary's University. In addition, they have added over 150 online virtual transfer information sessions offered by four-year universities to the college's University Transfer Events Calendar. They have provided opportunities for students to receive transfer planning support from ACC through "Chats with a Transfer Specialist" hours, Virtual Transfer Essentials presentations, Transfer Tea, and appointments with Career and Transfer Specialists.